What is a Hearing Loop?

A hearing loop is the most effective assistive listening system that works with existing hearing aids.

Today’s hearing loop systems, also known as an induction loop systems, builds on the same technology developed to pick up the magnetic field generated from older landline telephones. The magnetic signal was sent from the handset speaker to a small coil of wire located in the person’s hearing aid translating the magnetic signal back to an audio signal. The hearing aid user heard a direct and clear audio signal without background noise or distortion.

Hearing loop systems continued to improve responding to a different environments, program requirements and frequency response levels. Advanced digital hearing loop drivers and loop system options are designed to meet specific performance levels in conformance with IEC 60114.6 assuring they meet ADA 2010 Standards.

Hearing loops provide a wide variety of performance options from small room loops, counter-top or point of service loops, clip board loops, confidential loops, and large venue loops serving hundreds of people. The “magic” of a loop is its simplicity; a hearing aid user simply turns on their t-coil and instantly hears clear sound directly from the audio source as if the source is inches away from their ear. Competing background noise or room echo is eliminated.

Loops are universal; they work in any hearing environment such as meeting or conference rooms, places of public assembly, banks, airports, family rooms, even taxi cabs. They also meet public accommodation and privacy requirements in a medical office or pharmacy counter. Loops can interface with any audio device such as a public address system, TV, radio, smart phone, or tablet.

Loops provide freedom and flexibility to join a group in a non-intrusive way, seamlessly providing hearing aid users the ability to participate in meetings, public events, classrooms, and worship services. A loop system serves everyone equally, hearing aid users and non-hearing aid users (via a receiving unit equipped with a headset or ear buds). Loops do all this at no cost to the hearing aid users.

The advantages of a hearing loop are many:

  • Loops provide a clear direct sound signal to the hearing aid or CI user without an intermediate (body worn) device as required with alternate assistive listening systems.
  • Loops eliminate disrupting background noise and room reverberation providing what is called ‘beneficial signal to noise ratio’.
  • Loops do not call attention to hearing aid users by requiring them to locate, to check out and to wear a previously worn device around their neck.
  • At public venues, the number of ADA required Assistive Listening Devices is reduced by 25%, reducing device maintenance.
  • Loop systems easily connect to any audio system.
  • Loops allow and enable the hearing aid or CI user to manage their own hearing environment and technology.