
Hearing Loops Unlimited provides commercial and residential assistive listening systems specializing in hearing loop design, sales, and installation. We follow a three step process, in conformance with IEC 60118.4 standards: Assessment, Design, and Installation / Testing.

hearing loops at worship

Loop Field and System Design

Expertise developed through experience is utilized to determine loop field design, cable gauge and corresponding loop driver size. Factory representatives confirm design and equipment selections prior to providing a proposal for client review. All loop and testing equipment is 2016 IEC-certified.

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hearing loops at pharmacies

Hearing Loop Installation

Work is installed by experienced and trained personnel and completed in accordance with IEC 60118.4, 2015 ADA Standards and local code requirements. HLU includes staff training and a follow up site visit to confirm that the hearing loop system is working properly. HLU provides staff training covering ADA 2010 Communication Elements meeting Department of Justice guidelines.

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hearing loops at museum

Room Assessments and Scoping

All projects are initiated with a complimentary on site analysis to photograph, measure and understand field conditions; test for electrical background interference, room reverberation and to set up a test hearing loop. During the investigative stage a demo hearing loop is tested and recorded at specific frequencies to evaluate loop design options meeting client program, schedule and budget.

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hearing loops home installation

Education & Consulting

Awareness is a primary issue, including ADA & HIPAA requirements. Once people with hearing loss experience a hearing loop system, word quickly spreads on its benefit. Our mission is to educate the people that would benefit most from the systems, then to install in these types of facilities: Auditoriums and theaters; schools, colleges and universities; medical and research facilities; houses of worship; senior and assistive living facilities; conference rooms, confidential meeting rooms, multi-use rooms, transit stations, pharmacy counters and medical offices, and point of service locations.

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